The Accident
August 3, 2000 (Seven years earlier)
8:00 a.m.

Throughout Joey’s life he had two regrets:
1. He never went to his senior prom (although he did go to the junior prom)
2. He got out of bed on August 3, 2000
Even today, August 3 has weird spookiness attached with it. Kind of like September 11th has a creepiness factor connected to it for most Americans. Just writing August 3 can cause one to shiver. August 3… ehhhhh, weird, huh.
Just like every morning that summer, on August 3 Joey got up early, checked himself out in the mirror, and went to speed skating practice. Joey was a world-class athlete at 17 years old. He had won the National Speedskating Championships, broke the National record in the 500 meter event, and was on his way to representing the United States in the 2002 Olympics.
Just like every Thursday that summer, he did rollers and running intervals. And just like every roller practice that summer, afterwards Joey’s feet hurt and he was exhausted.
After the workout it was time for Joey to drive home. On the way the weather was perfect. He had the stereo blasting ZZ Top and was getting a bit toasty because his tiny Chevrolet Beretta’s air conditioning didn’t work.
When he reached the juncture of Bass Lake Road and 169 a semi truck came barreling down the road. Joey was in the left lane and the semi was directly behind him. The truck swerved into the right lane and began to pass Joey.
The 18 wheeled-beast swerved into the left lane. Joey spun his steering wheel to the left, to avoid the truck. His left front tire slid into the ditch.
Joey panicked.
He cranked his steering wheel hard to the right.
He had over compensated.